
Together, our vision is of a democracy in the UK fit for the 21st century, where we have more influence over the decisions that affect our lives, more power and resources to improve our communities and more ability to elect and hold our politicians and governments to account.


Politics is at a crossroads. Our democratic institutions are facing significant challenges, politics can often be seen to be stuck in the past and out of touch with the concerns of ordinary people, and decisions are often made without those they most affect. But, there are also lots of reasons to be hopeful that a stronger democracy is possible; there are many fantastic people and organisations working to strengthen and update democracy in the UK. Yet, too often we are isolated from one another and are not having the impact we need to build a democracy fit for the 21st century.


The Democracy Network is a network of people and organisations working on issues of power, democracy and voice in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We support each other to connect and collaborate, share and learn, build a way to agree ways forward, and take action and influence decision makers together.

Connecting & Collaborating

Developing a trusted, effective and diverse network of individuals and organisations; connecting people through events, networking activities, information sharing and sector.

Sharing & Learning

Increasing the knowledge, skills, resources and impact of our members and the wider sector via training, peer learning, skills sharing and resource coordination.

Supporting the Sector

Supporting the people and organisations working on democracy to thrive by responding to sector needs and challenges, increasing resources into the sector and providing strategic support.

Influencing & Taking Action

Expanding the influence of the network and its members through coordinated action, to achieve tangible policy changes, and increased public and political support for a stronger democracy.


There are lots of ways being a member of the Democracy Network can help you to achieve your aims. Membership is free, and the reasons for joining are as many as the hundreds of organisations that are part of our work.

But, put simply, these reasons are why most organisations get involved. To:

  • Build relationships: practical networking to help you learn from others, swap solutions, bounce ideas around and develop new collaborations.
  • Get informed: be the first to  find out about programmes, campaigns, funding, who is in the sector, what activities are happening and more.
  • Learn & improve: access best practice from the UK, and internationally, to help you achieve your goals such as improving your campaigns impact, improving your communication skills or developing your leadership abilities.
  • Take action & influence decision makers: work with others to set up or join opt-in campaigns to bring about the changes you want to see.
  • Offer support: Support efforts to build a stronger democracy through offering expertise, funding advice, leadership training and other useful resources.


Everyone who wants to build a stronger democracy in the UK! Any individual or organisation based in the UK  can join the Democracy Network by providing some initial information and signing up to our value statements here. This includes people who identify as being part of a “democratic sector”, but it may also include others who work on related issues such as power, voice, media, accountability and transparency. Core to our approach is ensuring that the network is open and inclusive. We are particularly proactive about ensuring diversity within our membership.

EXPRESS INterest in becoming a member


There is much at stake, there is much to do, and the most significant benefits of better networking could take years to realise. So let’s start now.
Joe Mitchell Networking for Democracy
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network
Democracy Network


Following a call for proposals, Involve was awarded an initial three-year grant of £350,000 from the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust (JRRT), which included a contribution of £50,000 from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT), to develop, incubate and coordinate the Democracy Network. Further funding will be sought to expand our work and other income generating activities are being explored.

Democracy Network
Democracy Network