Resources for democracy organisations working on Voter ID
SUBMIT A VOTER ID RESOURCEInformation from the Electoral Commission on the new requirement to take photo ID to elections in England, Scotland and Wales.
Voter registration community and education resources and information on the introduction of voter ID for Londoners.
A collection of resources from Democracy Classroom that can be used during the 2023 Local Elections.
Not-for-profit grassroots movement fighting to make democracy work for everyone.
Organisation creating the digital foundations to support everyone’s participation in democratic life. Built and
An open source guide from Migrant Democracy Project, Polish Migrants and New Europeans that can be read from beginning to end or shared as individual slides. The guide covers everything from voter eligibility to powers of representatives to Elections Act changes and more.
The first in a series of meetings hosted by The Democracy Network all about Voter ID changes and how we as a sector can work together to build awareness.
The second in our series of meetings looking at Voter ID changes and how we as a sector can work together to build awareness. This meeting’s focus: raising awareness and campaigning.
The third in our series of meetings looking at Voter ID changes and how we as a sector can work together to build awareness. This meeting’s focus: lifting underrepresented voices.
Briefing from the Local Government Association, With crucial information about Voter ID changes for local authorities and residents.
This briefing includes information and links to resources to help councils reach people with a learning disability and autistic people and other groups of people who may face barriers to voting. This briefing is likely to be of interest to social care staff and providers.