Sponsorship Opportunity: Democracy Conference and Awards


We have nearly 160 people registered to attend our 2 day conference. Attendees include local government leaders, politicians, sector leaders, democracy practitioners, freelancers, decision makers and campaigners. Can you support this special event?

On December 7th & 8th, 2022, we are bringing together all the organisations across Great Britain and Northern Ireland working on issues of power, democracy and voice for an exciting schedule, spanning two days.

Guest speakers include MP’s, leading thinkers from the democracy field, senior leaders and those involved in campaigns to bring democracy into the 21st century.

Sponsorship will enable us to ensure we have the best possible experience for attendees, enabling us to support speakers, provide travel bursaries for those where cost is a barrier for attending, print brochures and provide marketing materials. It will also ensure we run a wonderful awards dinner, providing bespoke awards, food, drinks and a night of fun.


Please note, some of these opportunities are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.